Flu (وبائی زکام ,نزله) or Influenza is a Contagious illness related to Respiratory tract caused by strains of viruses called Influenza Viruses Or RNA Viruses of Orthomyxoviridae family. Flu usually affects upper respiratory organs like nose and throat. But it can also spread to lower respiratory tract including trachea, bronchial tubes and lungs. Most of the times it can be cured itself without any medicine. But it can also be fatal in some cases where lungs are badly affected or failure of other organs occur.

What Are Signs and Symptoms of Flu – Image Credit: wikipedia.com
How To Know If You Are Suffering From Flu – Major Symptoms of Flu:
Following are major and key signs and symptoms of Flu. Almost all of these symptoms are usually present in most of the patients:
- Flu affects the person suddenly. You may go to bed normal and wake up with Flu symptoms.
- Fever may be there or patient feels feverish. It is not compulsory that every patient of Flu will have fever. Flu may be without fever, but in that case patient feels feverish or chilly.
- Cough that is produced due to irritation of bronchial tubes and may NOT have lots of dark, sticky mucus.
- Sore throat.
- Sneezing.
- Headache.
- Runny Nose.
- Obstructed Nose.
- Feeling of tiredness and fatigue and pains in the body.
- Children may also have diarrhea and vomiting.
- Patient becomes chilly.

How To Find If You Are Suffering From Flu – Image Credit: osmosis.org
Complications of Flu – When Flu Can Become Fatal?
Most of the patients are recovered from Flu with 7-14 days, but in some patients condition may become complicated and risky for life.
Some of these cases are described below:
Ear Infections And Sinus may develop as complications of Flu.
Pneumonia may be developed in some patients due to Flu virus or due to combined effects of Flu virus and Bacteria. If not treated, this can lead to death of patient.
Myocarditis may be developed. It is a condition in which heart muscles are inflamed, heart’s pumping ability is reduced, chest pain is observed, may cause heart failure and death.
Encephalitis or inflammation of brain tissues may occur. This can result in symptoms like weakness, seizures and other issues depending upon which part of brain is affected. May be fatal in some rare cases.
Myositis or inflammation in muscles may be another complication caused by Flu Viruses. In this condition pain, weakness, tiredness and swelling of muscles is observed.
Rhabdomyolysis may also be caused as a complication of Flu. In this syndrome, the skeletal muscle fibers are broken down and muscle contents are leaked into the blood. This syndrome/condition may be life threatening.
Multi-Organ Failure may be seen like kidney failure, heart failure, respiratory failure; causing death of patient.
Sepsis can be developed as a response to infection of respiratory tract caused by Flu virus. Our body produces certain chemicals that are released into bloodstream to fight against infections, and this is a normal behavior. But in some conditions our body responds to these chemicals in an imbalanced way that may damage multiple organs, cause septic shock, may drop down blood pressure and can lead to death.
Worsening of Already Present Medical Conditions may occur due to Flu virus. For example conditions of patients suffering from Asthma and Chronic Heart Disease may worsen and this may lead to early death of patients.

These Complications May Produce Due to Flu Virus
Life Cycle of Flu and Flu Viruses:
- When someone is infected with Flu viruses, there may be No signs and symptoms during first 24-72 hours. During this period, patient spreads viruses to other people, unknowingly.
- The symptoms of Flu become worse after 3-4 days of infection.
- The cough is the only symptom that may stay longer while all other symptoms go away faster and earlier.
- Patient is usually fully recovered within 7-10 days.
- Even after full recovery, patient may feel tiredness and fatigue for some days or weeks.
Is Flu Contagious? How It Spreads?
- Flu is a contagious disease that can spread from infected person to other healthy persons.
- When Flu patient talks or sneezes, Flu virus present in tiny droplets release from mouth can reach to other healthy persons’ noses, eyes and mouths infecting them.
- Flu virus can also live for short duration on objects and surfaces like door handles, clothes, work tables etc, although chances are lesser. Touching hands on these objects and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth can infect you with Flu virus too.
- If you are patient of Flu, you should use a face mask and avoid meeting people.
- Flu patient may spread the virus after 24 hours of infection.
- Flu patient may even spread the virus to other people within 24-72 hours after recovery from Flu symptoms.

What Are Differences Between Cold and Flu – Image Credit: cdc.gov
How to Diagnose Influenza/Flu?
As discussed above symptoms of Flu are very peculiar and you can “guess” that you have Flu if you have painful throat, cough, runny nose, stuffed nose, pain in body, chills, headache and fatigue etc. Children may also suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. Flu may or may not be with Fever. Flu is more common during winter season but it may also affect you in other seasons, although less likely.
It is important to note that there are many other viruses out there that can cause respiratory issues similar to Flu. So it is not possible to tell whether you are infected exactly with Flu or some other virus.
Usually there is no need to conduct laboratory tests for Flu as treatment is same. But if there is a respiratory illness outbreak (Bird Flu, Corona, etc), then it becomes important to diagnose the virus of Flu.
If your physician suggests, following laboratory tests may be done to diagnose Influenza:
1- RIDTs (Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Tests):
These are most common tests to diagnose Influenza. Tests are done to detect the antigens of Flu virus in the specimen of patient. These are rapid tests and can give you result within 15 minutes. These tests are not very accurate and may give you false negatives. These tests are more reliable to detect Flu in children than adults.
2- Rapid Molecular Assays To Diagnose Influenza:
In these tests genetic material of Flu Virus is detected in the specimen of patient and can give results within 20 minutes. Results of these tests are more reliable and accurate than RIDTs. These tests are more reliable to detect Flu in children than adults.
Here is a list of other common tests for detecting Flu:
- Serology
- Viral Culture
- Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)
- Immunofluorescence Assays
- Aapid Molecular Assays
- Rapid Antigen Testing
For most of these tests specimen of patient is collected by swiping back of throat OR inside of nose with a swab. Swab is then sent for testing.
Allopathic Treatment of Influenza:
- Flu cannot be “cured” using Allopathic medicines. Over-the-counter allopathic medicines are used to give some relief from the symptoms like cough, fever, pain and stuffed/runny nose etc.
- To help you breathe easily, doctors may recommend you some Decongestants.
- To open air ways, Nasal saline sprays may also be used.
- Antibiotics are not used because Viruses (like Flu virus) cannot be killed by Antibiotics. But Flu virus can weaken the immune system and certain bacteria can easily infect the body. In that case Antibiotics for those bacteria can be used.
- Flu Vaccines (like FluMist) may be used to produce immunity against Flu virus.
Disadvantages of Using Allopathic Medicines:
As mentioned above, Allopathic can only help to ease they symptoms of Flu and cannot fully cure the problem.
Some medicines may produce harmful effects in children of age less than 5, pregnant women and old age people.
How To Cure Flu Fast and Effectively Using Homeopathic Remedies:
Unlike Allopathic medicines, Homeopathic remedies are used on the basis of individuality. Every patient is interviewed to get all symptoms, including mental and physical, before prescribing any medicine. On the basis of totality of symptoms a single remedy is given to patient that matches his/her mind and body symptoms. Perfectly selected remedy, given instant cure and relief from Flu and patient becomes healthy very fast. As homeopathic remedies are in Potentized form (and not in crude form), there are not side effects associated with their use. Homeopathic remedies boost up and strengthen the immune system of body to get rid of virus very quickly and decrease the chances of re-infection in near future.
Following are some top grade remedies that may be used to treat Flu/Influenza. I have given key symptoms of all remedies to easily understand their theme.
1- When To Use Gelsemium To Cure Flu/Cold?
During Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1917, in which 50 millions died, Gelsemium was a one of the chief homeopathic remedies prescribed. It is a proven fact that patients who got homeopathic remedies had higher survival rates.
Nervous weakness is the chief complaint in this remedy. The four main features of Gelsemium that you must remember are:
- Dullness (سستی)
- Drowsiness (غنودگی)
- Dizziness (سر چکرانا)
- Trembling (رعشہ)
Along with common Flu symptoms if patient have following symptoms then you can use Gelsemium to cure Flu.
- Fever is without thirst.
- Tongue thick yellow coated.
- There is great fatigue (تھکن). Patient want to lay down or sleep most of the times. Increased Sleepiness and debility (کمزوری – ضعف).
- Marked Drowsiness (اونگھ – غنودگی – اونگھنا).
- Patient feels completely exhausted (تھکا ہوا). Do not want to stand up or walk.
- Head and limbs may feel very heavy. Patient feels difficult to lift his/her head.
- Patient may feel dizziness especially when lifting head.
- There may be trembling of limbs due to nervous weakness.
- Patient cannot open eyes fully. Drooping (ڈوبنا) or closing of eye lids is seen. Especially Dropping/heaviness of the upper eyelids. Usually eyes are half closed.
- There is peculiar headache that starts from Occiput and radiates to forehead.
- On the back, chills run up and down. This is very important symptom that you should not miss.
- There is dullness and fogginess of mind.
- There may be low blood pressure.
- Feels pain while moving eyes from side to side.
Mental Symptoms of Gelsemium Patient:
Most of the complaints arise from Anticipation. “What/Something-Bad will happen next/tomorrow/future“, “If I go to market, I will be stuck“, “Although I am prepared, I fear/know I will be failed“, “Tomorrow is my interview for job, I think I will not be selected” etc.
Sudden loose motion or Diarrhea before an interview, stage performance, examination or any other event where person has to to face other people.
Dosage and Prescription: If all or most of above mentioned symptoms are seen in patient then you can use Gelsemium. I recommend to use Gelsemium 30C 3-4 times a day. Usually you will see improvement within 1-2 days and full recovery in 4-5 days. Stop medicine when improvement starts.
2- What Are Key Symptoms to Treat Influenza/Cold With Bryonia Alba?
Bryonia Alba is a great plant source homeopathic remedy that given wonderful results in treating Flu/Cold when symptoms match. You can safely use Bryonia to Cure Flu if most of the following symptoms are present in the patient:
- Sore Throat and Runny Nose are typical symptoms that are common in almost all patients.
- Severe Headache may be there. Headache starts from the back of head and radiates to forehead.
- Fever along with heavy perspiration that makes patient wet.
- Patient wants to lie still in the bed as any movement increases all complaints.
- Patient becomes very irritable.
- Patient wants to stay alone.
- Mouth is very dry.
- Patient is very thirsty (intense and unquenchable thirst) and drinks plenty of water again and again. Drinks water in large sips (in Arsenicum Album patient drinks water in many small sips again and again).
- All symptoms (like fever, headache, runny nose, throat pain etc) develop slowly (unlike Belladonna and Aconite where symptoms develop rapidly).
- Bryonia is right sided remedy which means that all symptoms are worse on right side of body.
- Dryness of complete Alimentary Canal may be there with severe constipation and dry, black, burnt stools.
- There may be heaviness in the abdomen after eating. There is feeling of hard stone sitting in Abdomen.
Dosage and Prescription of Bryonia Alba To Cure Flu/Cold: If most of above symptoms are present in patient, then you can safely use Bryonia to cure Flu or cold. You should use Bryonia 30 (3-4 times/day) OR Bryonia 200 (1-2 times/day). Add 5 drops of Bryonia in 3 spoons of water and drink.
When condition starts improving, don’t take further doses and wait for complete cure.
3- Anas Barbariae An Effective Homeopathic Remedy To Cure Almost All Cases of Flu
Anas Barbariae is the leading homeopathic remedy used by most of Homeopathic Doctors of France to treat Flu and Cold patients. If your Flu has just started or in the past 48 hours and you don’t know how to take symptoms of patient, then you can use Anas Barbariae 30 to cure most of your patients. This is broad action remedy and covers most of the Flu symptoms of most of the patients. That’s why it can give relief when used within 48 hours of Flu onset. However, it is observed that it is not so helpful in elder patients.
4- How To Treat Rapid Onset of Flu With Homeopathic Belladonna?
Quick Onset, Redness, cold hands/feet with hot head/body, aggravation at 3 AM/PM, throbbing/pulsating pains and Right Sided are the keywords for Belladonna.
You can use Homeopathic Remedy Belladonna when Flu patient has following key symptoms:
- All complaints and symptoms appear very fast and rapidly (in Bryonia complaints develop slowly). This is the key symptom of Belladonna that you must not miss.
- Very High Fever comes rapidly.
- Pain in the throat is throbbing (دھڑکن درد). Throbbing means pulsating pain or pain like the beats of pulse.
- Throat is Bright Red, especially right side of throat. Because Bell is a right sided remedy.
- All complaints usually become worse (aggravate) at 3PM or 3AM.
- Face becomes red and flushed due rapid rush of blood towards head.
- Head and body become hot while feet and hands become cold (due to rush of blood to upper body parts).
- Eyes of patient are glistening/Glassy (wet and sparkling or gleaming).
- Skin is dry.
- Pupils are dilated and very sensitive to light. Patient wants to turn off all lights.
- Patient sensitive to light, noise, jar and movement.
- Throbbing pain in head may be present.
- Head pain increases when lying flat or jarring (sudden jerky motion).
- Head pain decreases/ameliorates when sitting upright. This happens because rush of blood to head becomes lesser when you sit straight.
Dosage and Prescription of Belladonna to Treat Flu:
As mentioned above, Belladonna Flu is very rapid and all symptoms are developed very fast. Similarly when Belladonna remedy is given (when symptoms match), the improvement is also very rapid and fast. I recommend using Belladonna 30 (3-4 times/day) for 1-2 days. Add 5 drops of Bell 30 in 3 spoons of water and drink. Stop using when improvement starts.
Caution While Using Belladonna in High Fevers: Don’t ever use Belladonna in cases of very high fever (104 or above), even if symptoms match. Because, sometimes Belladonna aggravates the symptoms before improving them. If temperature is already very high (104+), then aggravation may result in further increase in temperature that may be dangerous for the patient.
5- Rhus Toxicodendron Is Another Effective Remedy To Treat Flu
Stiffness in body muscles, aggravation after sun set, complaints due to wetting and tongue triangular tip are guiding symptoms for Rhus Tox.
Following are key symptoms seen in Rhus Tox Flu patient:
- Complaints (like Fever, body pains, flu) usually start due to wetting in rain/water OR due to cold/humid weather OR after being chilled. Aconite complaints are due to exposure to dry cold winds/weather.
- Patient is very Restless, Anguish and Anxious (بے تاب – بے چین) like Aconite and Ars Alb.
- A unique symptom only present in Rhus Tox is white tongue with red triangular tip. Rubric for this in Kent Repertory is “Tongue triangular red tip“. You can safely apply Rhus Tox if only this symptom is present in patient.
- Another guiding symptom is the aggravation/increase in all complaints (like fever, body pains, anxiety etc) after sun set.
- All pains of body increase when patient first starts moving. But after little movement, all pains start decreasing. In General we can say that pains decrease with movement. Here it is different from Bryonia where all pains were increased with movement.
- Patient wants to stretch her legs in bed to get some relief.
- Stiffness in the body muscles is a key feature of Rhus Tox. Muscles become hard, stiff and painful that become better after movement or hot applications.
- Throat and body pains are relieved by sipping hot drinks.
- Patient is thirsty and wants sips of hot water/drinks that decreases pains and all complaints. In Phosphorous patient wants icy cold water.
- Patient is sensitive to cold. A little cold air can start a chill in the patient. Patient may start shivering from uncovering and drafts.
- During fever, blisters on lips may also be developed.
- Development of Herpes.
Dosage And Prescription of Rhus Tox To Treat Flu:
I prefer to use Rhus Tox 200 (3 times/day) Or Rhus Tox 1M (once a day) when symptoms match. When given before going to bed, gives deep sleep and patient wakes up very fresh and most of the complaints are gone. Add 5 drops in 3 spoons of water and drink. Stop medicine when condition starts improving.